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NBF Events

Dr. Kamran Jahangir Joins NBF as New Managing Director

Today, the newly appointed Managing Director of the National Book Foundation (NBF), Dr. Kamran Jahangir, officially took charge. His first day began with an introduction to all sections in Ahmed Faraz Auditorium, followed by a comprehensive visit to various departments, including Sales, Book Development, Accounts, Production, Book Shop, Admin, Book Museum, and the Wall of Honour.
Dr. Kamran Jahangir expressed his commitment to promoting a culture of reading and enhancing the role of NBF in book development across Pakistan.

Launching Ceremony of Book " Watan-e- Saani"

Today, the Ahmed Faraz Auditorium at the National Book Foundation Islamabad witnessed the grand launch of *"Watan-e-Saani"*, a thought-provoking book authored by Arif Mahmud Kisana. The event was graced by esteemed personalities, including Ex-Cabinet Secretary Syed Abu Ahmed Akif, Ex-Ambassador Afrasiab Mehdi Qureshi, Ex-Collector Customs Muhammad Siddique, Retired Brigadier Muhammad Saleem, and other renowned scholars and intellectuals. Congratulations to the author and NBF for another remarkable contribution to literature!

"Kashmir Jannat Nazeer" Kashmir Kay Rang Festival 2024

Here are some highlights from the "Kashmir Jannat Nazeer" Kashmir Kay Rang Festival 2024, held at Islamabad Model College for Girls, F-8/1 Islamabad.

NBF & DGSE Join Hands for Braille Accessibility

Empowering Education for All: NBF & DGSE Join Hands for Braille Accessibility
The National Book Foundation (NBF) has proudly delivered 22 Braille items, including the Holy Quran (with and without translation), to the Directorate General of Special Education (DGSE) Islamabad. This initiative reflects NBF's unwavering commitment to making education accessible for visually impaired students across the country.
Through close collaboration with DGSE, NBF will provide Braille reading materials free of cost, ensuring equal opportunities for education. Together, we are working to eliminate barriers and create a more inclusive learning environment for blind and visually impaired students.
Education is a right, not a privilege—and NBF remains dedicated to ensuring that no one is left behind.

Letter of Understanding (LOU) between NBF & PIE

The National Book Foundation (NBF) and the Pakistan Institute of Education (PIE) have signed a Letter of Understanding (LOU) to print assessment tools for the National Achievement Test 2025.This collaboration sets the foundation for delivering quality and standardized materials, supporting efforts to evaluate and enhance quality education nationwide.

Visit of Raja Qamar Ul Islam (MNA)

نیشنل بُک فاؤنڈیشن ، اسلام آباد
پر یس ریلیز

نیشنل بُک فاؤنڈیشن میں ممبر قومی اسمبلی راجہ قمر الاسلام نے دورہ کیا
اسلام آباد (پ ر) ممبر قومی اسمبلی راجہ قمر الاسلام نے نیشنل بُک فاؤنڈیشن کا دورہ کیا۔ راجہ قمر الاسلام نیشنل بُک فاؤنڈیشن کی بورڈ آف ڈائریکٹر کے ممبر ہیں اور صاحبِ مطالعہ اور اعلیٰ ادبی ذوق کے مالک ہیں۔ انھوں نے نیشنل بک فاؤنڈیشن کے نیشنل بُک میوزیم، انڈونیشین کارنر، وال آف آنرز اور نیشنل بک شاپ کا پر گئے اور انھیں خصوصی طور پر بریفنگ دی گئی۔ نیشنل بک فاؤنڈیشن کے سیکرٹری/ایم ڈی مراد علی مہمند نے اُن کو
بریفنگ دی اور نیشنل بُک فاؤنڈیشن کے متعلقہ امور پر تفصیلی گفتگو ہوئی۔ نیشنل بُک فاؤنڈیشن کی بورڈ آف ڈائریکٹرز کی میٹنگ کے امور پر تبادلہ خیال کیا گیا۔ انھوں نے این بی ایف کی علمی ادبی سرگرمیوں اور باہمی
امور پر دلچسپی کا اظہار کیا۔مراد علی مہمند نے نیشنل بک فاؤنڈیشن کی جانب سے گلدستہ اور کتابوں کا تحفہ پیش کیا۔
سلیم اختر
میڈیا انچارج

Launching ceremony of book "The Political Economy of Education in South Asia"


National Book Foundation Hosts Workshop and Book Launch on "21st Century Skills Development" by Dr. Sajid Ali Yousuf Zai

National Book Foundation Hosts Workshop and Book Launch on "21st Century Skills"

Islamabad, August 29, 2024 – The National Book Foundation (NBF) successfully hosted a workshop and book launch event focusing on "21st Century Skills" today at the Ahmed Faraz Auditorium, NBF Headquarters. The event was part of NBF's ongoing efforts to promote educational excellence and prepare individuals for the challenges of the modern world.

Dr. Ghulam Ali Mallah, a distinguished academic, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. The event featured in-depth discussions and presentations on the skills needed to excel in the 21st century, including critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration, and digital literacy.

The workshop was led by Dr. Sajid Ali Yousuf Zai, the author of the newly launched book on 21st-century skills, who also served as the workshop trainer. His insights provided participants with practical strategies for integrating these essential skills into educational curricula and professional practices.

The book reviewers included Mirza Ali, Director of the Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE), and Dr. Saira Nudrat from the National University of Modern Languages (NUML), both of whom offered their perspectives on the importance of the book in advancing educational standards in Pakistan.

Murad Ali Mohmand, Secretary of the National Book Foundation, served as the host for the event. He emphasized the significance of equipping students and professionals with the skills necessary to navigate the complexities of the 21st century.

A total of 70 participants attended the workshop, actively engaging in the sessions and discussions. At the conclusion of the event, shields were presented to the Chief Guest and the book reviewers in recognition of their contributions. Certificates were also awarded to all participants as a token of appreciation for their involvement.

This event marks another milestone in the National Book Foundation's mission to promote a culture of reading, learning, and innovation across the country.

National Book Foundation has conducted storytelling session in the ICG F 6/2 Islamabad for the promotion of books culture and reading habits among our children.

نیشنل بک فاؤنڈیشن ، اسلام آباد
پریس ریلیز
این بی ایف کےزیرِاہتمام بچوں میں کہانی سننے اور کتاب کلچر کےفروغ کے لیے تقریب منعقد ہوئی

اسلام آباد ( پ ر ) وفاقی وزارت تعلیم و پیشہ ورانہ تربیت کی ہدایت پرنیشنل بُک فاؤنڈیشن کےزیرِاہتمام ،اسلام آباد کالج فارگرلز ،ایف سکس ٹو، میں بچوں میں کتاب پڑھنے کےرحجان اورکہانی سننے کی روایت کوفروغ دینےکے لیے ایک تعلیمی تقریب کاانعقاد کیاگیا ۔تقریب میں نیشنل بک فاؤنڈیشن کے سیکرٹری جنا ب مراد علی مہمند نے شرکت کی ۔ کالج کی پرنسپل محترمہ صبا فیصل نےبچوں کے لیے اس تقریب کےانعقاد پرانتہائی خوشی کااظہار کیا اورکہا کہ بچوں میں کتاب کلچر کوفروغ دینے اورکہانی سُننے کی روایت کواُجاگر کرنے کی اشد ضرورت ہے۔ بچے ہمارا مستقبل اورقوم کاسرمایہ ہوتے ہیں، ان میں کتاب اورکہانی کےذریعے شعور بیدار کرنا ہماری قومی ذمہ داری ہے۔یہ روایت رفتہ رفتہ ماند پڑتی جارہی ہے۔وزارتِ تعلیم کی جانب سےنیشنل بک فاؤنڈیشن کےزیرِ اہتمام اسلام آبادکالج فار گرلز میں اس نوعیت کااقدام ایک اہم کارنامہ ہے۔ ایسی تقریبات ہونی رہنی چاہئیں تاکہ ہماری نئی نسل کی رہنمائی ہو، اُن کواچھا انسان بننے میں معاونت ہو اور وہ کامیاب زندگیاں گزارسکیں ۔ملک وقوم کاروشن مستقبل بچوں کےہاتھ میں ہے۔ اساتذہ اور طالبات نےانتہائی خوشی اورجوش و جذبے کااظہار کرتے ہوئے اس تقریب کوکامیاب بنایا۔معروف ادیبہ کہانی کار نعیم فاطمہ علوی نےاپنی کتاب ”بچپن کی کہانیاں“ میں سے بچوں کوایک دلچسپ ،معلوماتی اورسبق آموز کہانی سنائی توبچوں نےبہت دلچسپی اورخوشی سےسُنی ۔ بعدازاں بچوں نے سوالات بھی کیے جن کےجوابات بھی دیے گئے ۔نیشنل بُک فاؤنڈیشن کے سیکرٹری جناب مراد علی مہمند صاحب نےوزارت ِتعلیم کی ہدایت کےمطابق تقریب کابہترین اہتمام کیا اور بچوں میں انعامات تقسیم کیے۔انہوں نےکہا کہ وزارتِ تعلیم کی جانب سے ایہ ایک بڑا قدم اٹھایا گیا جس کی ذمہ داری نیشنل بُک فاؤنڈیشن کوسونپی گئی ہے۔ہم انشاءاللہ محمد محی الدین وانی صاحب فیڈرل سیکرٹری تعلیم کےاس مشن کو آگے بڑھائیں گے اورایسی سرگرمیوں کابھرپور اہتمام کرتےرہیں گے ۔کالجوں اسکولوں میں خصوصی طور پر ایسے اقدامات کرتےرہیں گے۔ نیشنل بُک فاؤنڈیشن کےآٹی سیکشن کےانچارج اسدرسول ناگرہ
اورآفتاب احمد نےتقریب کوجدید ٹیکنالوجی اور سوشل میڈیا پرآن لائن کرنے کااہتمام کیا۔ اس تقریب کی نظامت نازیہ رحمٰن نے کی۔
سلیم اختر ، این بی ایف


منسٹری آف ایجوکیشن اسلام آباد کے احکامات کے مطابق نیشنل بک فاؤنڈیشن اسلام آباد نے ملک بھر میں 14 اگست کی مناسبت سے مختلف تعلیمی اداروں اور لائبریریوں میں "سٹوری ٹیلنگ" کا سیشن منعقد کروایا۔ اسی سلسلے میں آج بروز بدھ 2024 کو سابقہ قبائلی علاقے درہ آدم خیل میں نیشنل بک فاؤنڈیشن اسلام آباد کے مصنف ڈاکٹر راج محمد آفریدی نے اپنے قائم کردہ "درہ آدم خیل لائبریری" میں مذکورہ ادارے سے شائع شدہ کتاب "بادام سے کشمش تک" کی کہانی بچوں کو سنائی ۔

Visit of Students of AlHuda International School

We were thrilled to welcome the enthusiastic students of AlHuda International School to the National Book Foundation Headquarters!
Their visit included exploring our fascinating Book Museum, the vibrant Book Street, and the insightful Indonesia Corner. They also enjoyed browsing through our Bookshop and learning about literary legends at the Wall of Honour.
It was heartwarming to see the young readers so engaged and excited about books. Thank you, AlHuda International School, for making this visit memorable!

Visit of DG Commercial Audit

DG Commercial Audit, Mr. Muhammad Usman Butt, visited the National Book Foundation (NBF) Head Office in Islamabad. The Secretary of NBF provided a comprehensive briefing on the Foundation's aims, objectives, functions, and mandate. During the visit, DG Butt toured the NBF Book Museum, Bookshop, Wall of Honour, and Indonesian Corner, expressing his appreciation for NBF's role in promoting books. Additionally, the Secretary highlighted NBF's status as a Federal Textbook Board, established through a notified SRO in 2010.

National Library Association Delegation Visits National Book Foundation HO

National Library Association Delegation Visits National Book Foundation: Emphasizing the Importance of Books and Future Collaborative Plans:

Islamabad (Special Correspondent) – A delegation from the Sindh Karachi chapter of the National Library Association recently visited the Head Office of the National Book Foundation (NBF). During the visit, the Secretary of NBF provided the delegation with a detailed briefing on the foundation’s role, objectives, and functions. The delegation also toured the Book Museum, Wall of Honour, Indonesian Corner, and the Bookshop.

The Secretary of NBF highlighted the significance of books and their promotion during the visit. A question-and-answer session was held in the Committee Room, where the Secretary emphasized the need for increased collaboration between the National Library Association and NBF Karachi. This collaboration aims to promote books through book fairs and various events in Karachi’s educational institutions.

Mr. Munawar, the Regional Incharge of NBF Karachi, has been instructed to maintain contact with the delegation members and plan future book fairs and activities. It is crucial that the Head Office remains informed of all developments and communications.

The Secretary of NBF noted that book fairs and educational events are essential to fostering a reading culture among students and the general public. He stated that NBF’s mission is to highlight the importance of books and encourage the habit of reading.

The delegation praised NBF’s efforts and assured continued collaboration in the future. Delegation members expressed that promoting books is vital for societal development and enhancing intellectual awareness.

NBF’s initiative has been well-received by the public, and it is anticipated that large-scale book fairs will soon be organized in Karachi’s educational institutions.

Honourable Federal Minister Dr. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui

Honourable Federal Minister Dr. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui sahib visited karachi office and detailed presentation was given by MD/NBF pertaining to Textbooks development and publishing, General Books development and publishing, Braille Textbooks development and publishing, and Dyslexia textbooks development and its publishing. Honourable Federal Minister Dr. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui sahib appreciated the efforts of NBF for serving the communities by offering quality enriched content textbooks and general books at very nominal rates and In particular praised the good financial health of NBF.

MOU Between NBF and National Rehmatul lil Aalameen Wa Khatamun Nabiyyin Authority

National Book Foundation singed a memorandum of understanding with the National Rehmatul lil Aalameen Wa Khatamun Nabiyyin Authority

MOU between NBF and PAL

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed on 29th February, 2024 between National Book Foundation (NBF) and Pakistan Academy of Letter (PAL). Managing Director NBF Dr. Raja Mazhar Hameed, Chairman PAL Dr. Najeeba Arif, Director General PAL Sultan Muhammad Nawaz Nasir and Secretary NBF Mr. Murad Ali Mohmand were present on the occasion.

Visit of 232 Officers to HO NBF

Received 51 ctp 232 Officers visited National Book Foundation Head Office Islamabad. Managing Director NBF Dr. Raja Mazhar Hameed gave detailed breifing to the Officers. Secretary NBF Mr. Murad Ali Mohmand gave a tour of NBF's Book Museum, Shop and Indonesian Corner to the visitors.

President Dr. Arif Alvi took a decisive step toward inclusivity on Wednesday, urging increased access to books and knowledge for the visually impaired in Pakistan.

President Dr. Arif Alvi showcased a strong commitment to inclusivity on Wednesday, championing increased access to books and knowledge for the visually impaired in Pakistan.
During a meeting at Aiwan-e-Sadr to evaluate the National Book Foundation’s performance, the president emphasized the crucial role of reading in individual and societal development. He specifically praised the Foundation’s commendable initiative to provide books and knowledge in braille for the visually impaired, viewing it as a significant step towards narrowing the access gap.
Dr. Raja Mazhar Hameed, the Managing Director, delivered a comprehensive report on the Foundation’s ongoing efforts, including a program tailored for individuals with dyslexia. Hameed briefed the president on plans to develop dedicated books for dyslexic children from kindergarten to Grade 8, ensuring these resources are readily available for the upcoming academic year (2024-25).
The meeting highlighted the Foundation’s Braille Press in Karachi, offering books to the visually impaired at a highly subsidized rate of just Rs. 10 per book. This affordable access is poised to substantially enhance educational opportunities for visually impaired children.
President Alvi welcomed the news that the Foundation would distribute these braille books to visually impaired students enrolled in grades Prep to 8 across 431 schools in Islamabad. He commended the Foundation’s broader efforts to publish a diverse range of braille books, ensuring their availability not only within Pakistan but also internationally.
The president’s visit and directive signify a significant commitment to nurturing a more inclusive and literate Pakistan, where knowledge and resources are readily accessible to all, regardless of disability.

President Dr. Arif Alvi showcased a strong commitment to inclusivity on Wednesday, championing increased access to books and knowledge for the visually impaired in Pakistan.

President Dr. Arif Alvi showcased a strong commitment to inclusivity on Wednesday, championing increased access to books and knowledge for the visually impaired in Pakistan.
During a meeting at Aiwan-e-Sadr to evaluate the National Book Foundation’s performance, the president emphasized the crucial role of reading in individual and societal development. He specifically praised the Foundation’s commendable initiative to provide books and knowledge in braille for the visually impaired, viewing it as a significant step towards narrowing the access gap.
Dr. Raja Mazhar Hameed, the Managing Director, delivered a comprehensive report on the Foundation’s ongoing efforts, including a program tailored for individuals with dyslexia. Hameed briefed the president on plans to develop dedicated books for dyslexic children from kindergarten to Grade 8, ensuring these resources are readily available for the upcoming academic year (2024-25).
The meeting highlighted the Foundation’s Braille Press in Karachi, offering books to the visually impaired at a highly subsidized rate of just Rs. 10 per book. This affordable access is poised to substantially enhance educational opportunities for visually impaired children.
President Alvi welcomed the news that the Foundation would distribute these braille books to visually impaired students enrolled in grades Prep to 8 across 431 schools in Islamabad. He commended the Foundation’s broader efforts to publish a diverse range of braille books, ensuring their availability not only within Pakistan but also internationally.
The president’s visit and directive signify a significant commitment to nurturing a more inclusive and literate Pakistan, where knowledge and resources are readily accessible to all, regardless of disability.

Visit of Young Writers to NBF Head Office

Around 26 Young Writers hailing from all over the country under the Young Writers Training Program (for Female Writers) by Iqbal International Institute for Research & Dialogue (IRD) of the International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI) has visited National Book Foundation Head Office Islamabad. Secretary Mr. Murad Ali Mohmand gave detailed briefing about NBF’s function and its ongoing projects they also visit NBF’s Book Museum, Bookshop, Wall of Honour, Indonesian Corner and Textbooks development section.
